
Chronic Care Management: How It Works Today – What to Know

Chronic diseases are health conditions or illnesses that are persistent and last for a prolonged period, often exceeding a year. The most common chronic illnesses range from those that are highly manageable, like asthma and diabetes, to complex ones, like HIV / AIDS. In the past 20 years of its practice, chronic care management has evolved and improved dramatically, helping patients who suffer these sicknesses daily. More than a hundred million Americans suffer from at least one variation of chronic disease, with more than half of these patients being inflicted with more than one.

The difficulty with chronic diseases lies in its management, as these tend to not go away with time and instead increase in intensity. Without proper management, those inflicted with chronic diseases will have a much poorer quality of life that could prove fatal in severe cases.

The Chronic Care Model

The Chronic Care Model aims to bridge the staggering deficiencies in chronic care management, ultimately to give patients the best support possible. Developed by the MacColl Institute for Healthcare Innovation, it utilizes 6 highly-important elements of the health care system that can promote a better approach for chronic disease care. These six elements are the following: the community, the health system, self-management support, delivery system design, decision support, and clinical information systems. The utilization of the Chronic Care Model can bridge the needs of a patient with chronic disease to the capabilities of caregivers and healthcare representatives. This will streamline the process, thus developing a more personal system where the patient can heal. The use of it can cover discrepancies such as practices that are not aligned with the guidelines, the poor coordination between patient and care provider, and the patient’s lack of training in self-management.

The Chronic Care Model in Medicare

Medicare and Medicaid services now realize that proper chronic care management is a necessary component of healthcare in today’s age. Chronic care management services are now bracketed under the Medicare Physician Fee schedule, which even includes virtual interactions for beneficiaries with more than one chronic illness. Medicare provides a comprehensive medical plan that factors in your health conditions and prognosis, matching it with strategies for pain and symptom management, as well as medication management. A part of this process involves coordination with health care providers, and planned interventions, if necessary.

Medistics Health’s Chronic Care Management System

Medistics Health provides the perfect care management system for all patients that suffer from chronic diseases. Qualified patients are partnered with a dedicated care manager, who will schedule appointments, refill medication, remotely monitor patient status, and much more. The goal of chronic care management is to help patients care for themselves outside the doctor’s office while ensuring proper monitoring remotely. At Medistics, we focus on building a trusting relationship with patients to fully help them achieve their health goals. By providing patient-centered care, our patients can receive the support they need while assuring you that their condition remains at the best status.

If you’re looking for one of the best chronic care management providers, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

Profit Calculator Assumptions: 40% of total Medicare patients enrolling is based on (i) Medicare Chart Book’s data showing that ~68% of medicare patients qualify for CCM (2 or more chronic conditions), and (ii) that ~40% of eligible patients will enroll.

For typical providers, $46.67 of net profit per patient per month is based on a Medicare reimbursement per patient per month (national average) for various care management CPT codes.

CPT and other codes, descriptions and other data are copyright 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).