
Affordability is still a leading factor affecting medication adherence among patients. Despite other factors’ existence, the primary reason people fail to get the help they need continuously is the lack of enough funds to sustain the necessary procedures to get them well. But why does affordability play a significant role in ensuring patients get the assistance needed to heal and function normally? Here are some ideas.

1. Insufficient Funds For Checkups

Many people diagnosed with a health problem do not go to the doctor just because they can’t afford to. Even if they have insurance, if they do not pay their monthly premiums, they will not be able to go for a checkup or a follow-up.

For example, if a hypertension patient can’t afford to pay her monthly premium but knows that she needs to go back to the doctor, she can’t do that because she can’t afford it. The situation is prevalent among low-income families. As a result, people with diagnosed conditions never heal or recover from their illnesses due to a lack of medical support.

2. Healthcare Becomes Exclusive

Another reason healthcare is so inaccessible and expensive is because it has become exclusive. People might have the money to go to their doctor or hospital and get treatment, but they won’t go because they don’t want to be a burden. The fact that they have to pay for every consultation or treatment sometimes discourages patients from attending the clinic.

Waiting in line, registering first, and presenting the payment slip can make people uncomfortable. They tend to be too shy or might not have the time to do all that. If a person has a lot of things to do, sometimes checking in can be the last thing on her mind.

3. Unfair Income Requirements For Medical Plans

Regarding health insurance, affordability is not the only factor that matters—income is also a factor. What would you do if you are a low-income earner and the health plan doesn’t cover you? You would not be able to get a good health plan. Thus, you will not be able to get the proper medication and treatment.

It is the primary reason low-income people prefer not to apply for health insurance. When they see that they are not qualified for a health plan, patients think they can’t afford it, so they give up. It is terrible because even if low-income earners have illnesses, they can’t get the medical attention they need to get cured.

4. Expensive Insurance Policies

In most cases, even if an insurance company offers a low premium, they will not give you the coverage you may need and pay less than what you can afford. Therefore, if you need a higher premium, you will pay more. Low-income people cannot afford a health plan that covers all their needs. The insurance agent often will not care about what you think because you have already signed the contract.

5. Unnecessary Cost In Healthcare

The last reason why affordable healthcare is not available is the unnecessary cost of healthcare. People with good insurance plans want to avail the total value of their coverage. It means that they wish for their most expensive procedures to be maximized.

While maximizing your plan can give you the most perks, it can also make you spend more than you have. If you have a more expensive method and a lot of medical needs, you have to make sure you can afford to pay your premium every month.


When you don’t have enough money for healthcare, it can make you feel hopeless. It can make you think that you can’t get better. It can make you feel that you will never be able to cope with what you are going through.

But instead of giving up, remember that there are many ways to get affordable healthcare. If you have an excellent health money plan, you can always get the help you need. It also helps to get assistance from clinics that understand your needs before money comes into the picture.

Medistics believes that healthcare is for everybody. It is not all about numbers and statistics; it should be about understanding people and their needs to experience total health. Therefore, we offer the best care management solutions and remote therapy monitoring services to help patients recover faster. Take an annual wellness visit today and allow us to help.

Profit Calculator Assumptions: 40% of total Medicare patients enrolling is based on (i) Medicare Chart Book’s data showing that ~68% of medicare patients qualify for CCM (2 or more chronic conditions), and (ii) that ~40% of eligible patients will enroll.

For typical providers, $46.67 of net profit per patient per month is based on a Medicare reimbursement per patient per month (national average) for various care management CPT codes.

CPT and other codes, descriptions and other data are copyright 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).