
4 Practical Tips in Ensuring Patients’ Medication Adherence – Our Guide

Did you know that medication non-adherence has been deemed a top reason for failures in treatments, severe adverse reactions, and even deaths? Because of this, patients need to strictly follow their medication regimen as recommended by their healthcare providers. However, the problem is that patients with chronic conditions and complex medication regimens may find it hard to keep up with their drug intake requirements. This is why they are advised by health professionals to work with family members, caregivers, and even dedicated health managers to ensure that they adhere to their medication terms.

If you are a health professional, caregiver, pharmacist, or dedicated manager, here’s how you can ensure the medication adherence of your patients to foster health and overall well-being:

1. Set proper expectations by educating your patients

Regardless of who you are, you must always clearly educate your patients. Apart from discussing the schedule, dosage, and frequency of medication intake, be sure to set proper expectations as well. Explain how the drugs work and how the patients feel after taking them. Also, you must discuss the possible implications or outcomes if patients don’t take their medicines on time or don’t take them at all. That way, you can expect your patients to follow the medication regimens strictly, once they understand the health consequences of not doing so.

2. Set regular appointments with your patients

As a doctor or specialist, it’s best to set regular appointments with your patients. Aside from checking the health conditions and providing treatments, your goal is to check the patients’ adherence to medications, see if the medicines work, and constantly remind them to follow it. If face-to-face consultations prove to be a bit challenging for patients with chronic health conditions, having remote monitoring can be a better alternative. 

At Medistics Health, our remote patient monitoring system can help healthcare providers monitor the well-being of their patients in between their appointments. These are medical devices that show the results of tests taken at home (blood pressure, glucose, and weight/BMI).

3. Streamline medication acquisition and intake

Medication regimens for patients with serious health conditions can be complicated. To ease this complexity, you can resort to streamlining medication acquisition and intake. First, find a way to help your patients regularly obtain medicines from a trusted and highly reliable pharmacy. Then, give some recommendations on how they can get their medicines efficiently. Second, assist your patients in sorting medications and scheduling their intake with the use of tools and technology. After all, your goal as a health practitioner is to help your patients get well as soon as possible.

4. Assist patients in customizing their support tools

One effective way to ensure medication adherence is to make use of medication tools. Be sure to assist your patients in customizing these tools that will work for them. For instance, you can advise them to buy a medication kit that will allow them to sort their medicines and label them with proper scheduling. You can also convince them to download and use mobile apps that send notifications as reminders for them to take their pills. Ultimately, various medication technologies can greatly assist patients and ensure complete adherence.  


There’s no denying that patients need to work with health professionals to ensure that they can keep up with their medication requirements. If you are a doctor, pharmacist, or dedicated health manager, be sure to set proper expectations, set regular appointments, streamline medication acquisition and intake, and assist patients in customizing their support tools. All these steps will ensure full adherence to medication that will significantly improve your patients’ overall health!

We have a team of dedicated managers providing preventative care and transitional care management services in the US. If you want to help your patients to comply with your medicine terms, get in touch with us today to see how we can assist!

Profit Calculator Assumptions: 40% of total Medicare patients enrolling is based on (i) Medicare Chart Book’s data showing that ~68% of medicare patients qualify for CCM (2 or more chronic conditions), and (ii) that ~40% of eligible patients will enroll.

For typical providers, $46.67 of net profit per patient per month is based on a Medicare reimbursement per patient per month (national average) for various care management CPT codes.

CPT and other codes, descriptions and other data are copyright 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).