patient care

7 Ways Hospitals Can Take Patient Care to the Next Level

Every health care facility is expected to provide patient-centered care. A real patient-centered approach to health care involves patients in their experience by recognizing their feedback and uniqueness. Patient-centered health care professionals pursue treatment regimens that prioritize quality over quantity, and their efforts result in excellent outcomes – long-term therapy,

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Profit Calculator Assumptions: 40% of total Medicare patients enrolling is based on (i) Medicare Chart Book’s data showing that ~68% of medicare patients qualify for CCM (2 or more chronic conditions), and (ii) that ~40% of eligible patients will enroll.

For typical providers, $46.67 of net profit per patient per month is based on a Medicare reimbursement per patient per month (national average) for various care management CPT codes.

CPT and other codes, descriptions and other data are copyright 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).